Use the menu above to see some more results! I recommend using "Ctrl +/-" for zooming in and out.

Tom Fields software RSPEC was used to generate spectra from the raw data from the Canon camera or from the ST6. RSPEC contains line reference wavelengths and reference spectra for all spectral classes for stars on the main sequence. Other alternatives exists which may work just as well for you, but I found RSPEC easy to use, and it has got excellent tutorial videos.

The section "Stars with model spectra" above demonstrate physical modelling of stellar spectra. Modelling is a very efficient tool if you want to analyse the spectra in depth, and understand how they are formed in the atmosphere of the star. Spectra of rotating stars and of spectrocpopic binary stars can be synthesized and compared to your high-resolution spectra. A good book on the subject (with the additonal knowledge of basic physics), or a basic course in astrophysics is going to be very helpful if you want to do in-depth work in this direction. Such work is however not necessary for enjoying observational amateur spectroscopy!