Oil on canvas

These paintings were made from 2018 to 2022. My interest for painting started with Bob Ross.

The Break of Dawn

"Endorian Swamp". Inspired by an expedition to the Amazon in 2019.

"Corona with Corona". Impression of the solar eclipse in Chile, July 2, 2019. I had the Omicron Corona virus at the time of painting (spring 2022), and some virus should be deliberately embedded in the paint of the solar Corona. Cerificate of authenticity is on the backside. Oil on black gesso on canvas.

Deep Thoughts

"Freedom at last". No people, no problems! The location is the Taurus-Littrow valley on the Moon. The lunar lander "Challenger" of Apollo 17 is a dot just beyond the large crater on the plain ahead. Oil on black gesso on canvas.

Impression of the paining "Svarttjern" or "Black Pond" by August Cappelen 1827-1852.

Impression of the Flaming Star Nebula

Incident in the Forest

It is Obvious

Welcome Home

With the Doctor in Ten Forward

Confined Plasma